Sunday, January 12, 2014

IfcOpenShell 0.4.0 rc1 released!

It has been a while, but today the immediate availability of the first release candidate for the IfcOpenShell 0.4 release is announced! On this blog some of the new features of this release will be highlighted in detail. For example on file format conversion. Please report all issues found (by leaving a comment, starting a thread on the forums, a message on IRC, e-mail or a letter, you know where to find us)!

Changes since 0.3:
  • Introduction of IfcConvert 
    • A new utility that writes STEP, Collada, IGES and Wavefront OBJ files
  • Support for IfcSurfaceStyles when importing geometry
    • Surface styles govern the colours applied to elements in IFC viewers
  • More robust support for clipped representations
  • Blender IFC importer updated for 2.69
  • 3ds Max IFC importer updated for 3ds Max 2014
  • Improved performance and stability

The release can be downloaded from the website:

Enjoy! And remember that IfcOpenShell still needs your help!


  1. As a sidenote for who might be interested, ifcopenshell 0.4.0 is now supported by FreeCAD's latest development version.
    Congrats for the release Thomas, this continues to be the best opensource IFC platform available, and there is no doubt that the future will be amazing...

    1. That's a big compliment, thanks so much. Looking forward to keep working together on the IFC import and, yes, export in FreeCAD!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
